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Managing Editor

Enterprise Software Solutions That Help Keep Employees Safe and Healthy

1Enterprise organizations tend to have unique needs compared to small and medium-sized businesses. Enterprises have expanded to multiple locations, sometimes all over the world, and they need software solutions designed to scale with their ever-evolving needs. As an enterprise, you have hundreds of employees, maybe even thousands, and you’re responsible for the safety and wellbeing of each one of them.

This doesn’t just mean physical safety either. Even the most high profile businesses are at risk of cyber-attacks. Common trends include using mobile malware, attacking supply chains, and exploiting the security of IoT devices. These attacks can lead to data breaches that compromise sensitive information about your business, and they can also steal employee information or even your customer data. You need enterprise software that can ensure the safety and wellbeing of your employees. Here are some solutions to start with.



Wellable is a solution that seeks to go beyond offering services that can help lower the costs of employee healthcare services. Instead, Wellable is meant to also improve your overall business culture. This software makes it easy for employers to set up on-site events to educate employees about their healthcare options, provide leadership training, set up team building activities, and more. It also helps you create physical workspaces that are tailored to promote employee health.

Wellable also allows employees to integrate with various technologies that can help improve their health, including fitness apps. Employees take a bring your own device (BYOD) approach and can choose which technologies they’re most interested in working with. They also have robust support, including text messaging options, so you can always make the most of their program.

Cloud Cybersecurity


The more organizations have to lean on technology, the more common cyber-attacks become. Constantly adding new devices to networks provides even more opportunities, and every time one security exploit is dealt with, it seems like two more take their place. These attacks can endanger the safety of your business as a whole as well as individual employees. You need a solution that can constantly stay ahead of threats, flag unusual activity immediately, and provide constant security management. You need American virtual cloud technologies.

Around the clock, threat monitoring ensures your enterprise is always aware of emerging threats, and regular scanning of vulnerable areas helps to significantly lower your chances of a breach. You’ll also have preventive endpoint security, meaning all of your devices and employee devices used in the workplace will be protected. This is crucial since malicious entities are now frequently attacking less secure devices on a network in order to gain access to the network itself. Best of all, cloud-enabled technology is able to work around the clock and doesn’t require physical installation on your premises.

Command Security Cameras


Speaking of cloud technologies, you’ll need a way to keep your enterprise and employees physically safe as well. It’s imperative that you have the best security camera systems you can get to protect your business. Traditional IVR and DVR camera solutions have serious security vulnerabilities that can allow hackers into the system to disable your security or even spy on your operations. With Command, you’ll have unhackable cameras and one convenient software to monitor them all.

Verkada cameras are the pinnacle of security thanks to their two-key authentication system. One security key is stored on the device itself while the other is stored in the cloud. Only when the two keys communicate can access to the camera be granted. This stops hackers since they won’t have the key on the device, and it also protects you in cases where a camera is physically stolen since the thief won’t have access to the cloud key.

With the Command platform, you can monitor all of your cameras in one location from any approved device (including mobile devices). Security upgrades are continuously added, and you’ll automatically have all of them installed via the cloud to ensure your business and employees are as safe as possible.

These are just a few great ideas to get you started on your path of improving employee safety and wellbeing. You may also discover various safety management and compliance software solutions to improve even further.



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